Sunday, August 25, 2013

Australian politics

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Australian politics
Monday 26 Aug 2013
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Newspoll shows first rise for ALP since election campaign began – but it is within the margin of error
Opposition leader announces new spending and a budget surplus target for the decade at election campaign launch
Abbott demonstrated his soaring confidence as he tried to convince voters the negative campaigning is all Labor's
Kevin Rudd says prime minister he ousted will not attend party's election campaign launch and he 'respects her decision'
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Danielle Celermajer and Madeleine Finn: Poverty may not be a 'sexy' issue, but as Australians we have to remember we are voting on housing, education, and the chance of those at the margins to live a decent life
Sarah Burnside: Why is an administration whose Keynesian approach steered Australia through the global financial crisis now claims that cutting tax creates prosperity?
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The Coalition leader gives a speech from the Queensland Performing Arts Centre in Brisbane in which he asks the people to trust him to 'govern for all Australians'
Guardian Australia political editor Lenore Taylor caught up with shadow ministers Joe Hockey and Kevin Andrews after a confident Coalition campaign launch speech by Tony Abbott in Brisbane. The opposition leader urged Australia to 'choose change', but largely ignored the prime minister, Kevin Rudd, and skated over policy costings
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