Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Mission Impossible: Taking Out Syria's Chemical Weapons

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Destroying Syria's Chemical Weapons Won't Be Easy
Airstrikes against Assad's stockpiles could send deadly toxins downwind, possibly killing civilians
Same Old Song and Dance: The Debt Ceiling Debate Is Back
The U.S. government will default on its credit limit again in mid-October, launching another political battle about paying the nation's bills
Don't Freak Out About Steve Ballmer Leaving Microsoft
After all, technology eras were meant to have beginnings and endings, writes Harry McCracken
Fast Food Slowed: Low-Wage Workers to Walk Off in 35 Cities
Protests for a higher minimum wage are expected to grip the nation's biggest restaurant chains
Keith Olbermann's Back on the Airwaves, and He Comes Out Swinging
'As I was saying' was his opening line, as he took the anchor chair at ESPN for the first time since 1997. And the punches at his past and current employer only continued
Zimmerman Asks Florida to Foot His Legal Bills
After his acquittal in the murder of Trayvon Martin, he's hoping the state will chip in $300,000 for his court costs
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Syria's Slow-Motion Civil War
Nearly two years ago, Arab Spring-inspired protests kicked off in the Syrian town of Dara'a. The uprising met a brutal response, one that few observers could have anticipated would blow up into a far wider rebellion.
11 Suspiciously Sound-Alike Songs
Robin Thicke is just the latest to be accused
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