Friday, August 30, 2013

Iraq Haunts Obama's Syria Attack Plan

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The Ghost of the Iraq War Looms Large As Obama Ponders Syria Attack
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What You Won't Read About New Orleans
Eight years after Hurricane Katrina, you'll hear plenty about how the government failed the city. You won't hear about the people who saved it
NFL Concussion Settlement Transfers the Wealth, But Just a Little Bit
The $765 million settlement is a barely a drop of the $9 billion NFL profits, but players are thankful to get anything at all
In Hunt for Bin Laden, Help Came from Space
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A Bigger Slice of the Pie for Fast Food Workers
And companies' burgeoning profits mean they could probably get it
The Second Grand Canyon Lies Beneath Greenland
And it could be a major boon to helping temper a major global warming issue
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Syria's Slow-Motion Civil War
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11 Suspiciously Sound-Alike Songs
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