Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Promising First Test to Detect Parkinson’s Disease; more...

Health & Family
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Promising First Test to Detect Parkinson’s Disease
Often, the first signs of the disease are symptoms such as tremor in the fingers, chin or lip, loss of smell or a more rigid facial expression. Now...
Chemical Weapons in Syria: What You Should Know About Nerve Agents Like Sarin
WASHINGTON — Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that a large-scale chemical weapons attack occurred in Syria. There are still many...
Lasting Effects of Being Born Too Early
For the first time, researchers document why it’s so important to help premature babies develop in utero for as long as possible.
Why BMI Isn’t The Best Measure for Weight (or Health)
Body Mass Index (BMI) provides an easy way to measure obesity, but more doctors are questioning its accuracy and usefulness.
Blood Test May Detect Ovarian Cancer At Its Earliest Stages
Ovarian cancer is treatable is detected early, but 70% of cases aren’t diagnosed until it’s too late. A promising blood test may change...
Doctors Asked to Counsel Teens About the Dangers of Smoking
Doctors already have a hefty checklist of topics to go over with their patients. Will they be able to squeeze in discussions about the health hazards...
Are You A Spreader? How the Space You Take Up Reveals How Powerful You Feel
New research shows expansive posture and larger workspaces promote power but may lead to cheating
Helping Others Helps You to Live Longer
Want a longer life?  Volunteer to do good and you might benefit at least as much.
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1.Lasting Effects of Being Born Too Early
2.Why BMI Isn't The Best Measure for Weight (or Health)
3.What Drove Man to Monogamy: It Wasn't Love
4.Blood Test May Detect Ovarian Cancer At Its Earliest Stages
5.Guide: The 31 Healthiest Foods of All Time (with Recipes)
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