Thursday, September 12, 2013

MediaGuardian briefing

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Media briefing
Thursday 12 Sep 2013
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Publisher of Daily and Sunday Mirror says Met is investigating if it is 'criminally liable' for alleged hacking by previous employees
Culture secretary says action is needed after string of controversies including £60m payoffs and Jimmy Savile scandal
Richard Desmond says channels such as his face uncertain future trying to compete against rivals such as BSkyB, Google and Amazon. By Mark Sweney
News Corp lawyers and attorney general advise that questions might prejudice criminal cases
Brown, who oversaw disastrous merger with and subsequent divorce from Newsweek, leaves to set up new media company
Lucy Adams accused of using the term 'sweetener' to describe severance payments to senior staff. By Josh Halliday
Tessa Jowell: The corporation is truly a public good. Its ownership and governance should be put beyond doubt
PM criticises rival royal charter drawn up by some sections of press but also urges fellow party leaders to broker compromise
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Our roundup of the day's media stories, including the latest from the RTS Cambridge convention and the BBC payoff row
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Cameron Hulett: Although single screen ads remain effective, it's time to embrace campaigns designed to work across multiple screens
The British public has far less confidence in its institutions than it did thirty years ago – especially the media. Which public bodies have lost our trust?
Emily Bell: Red-faced executives sat shoulder to shoulder, barely controlling their animosity toward one another, during a systematic grilling by MPs
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Roy Greenslade calls on publishers and Hacked Off to get round a table and agree to create a Leveson-compliant regulator
Media Monkey's pick of the day More »
BBC Breakfast host Susanna Reid is yet to set foot in the ballroom in this year's Strictly Come Dancing, but she already appears to have been swept off her feet. According to the Telegraph, the twinkle-toed presenter has "raised eyebrows" over her "flirtatious" interview with the well-coiffed Arctic Monkeys frontman Alex Turner. The paper carries three pictures of Reid wearing what some described as an "unusually casual denim jacket" – how very dare she! – and reported that she had told Turner, "I bet you look good on the dance floor". The paper goes on to report that viewers "suggested an undertone to their conversation". Whatever could they mean, the cheeky monkeys?!
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