Friday, September 13, 2013

MediaGuardian briefing

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Media briefing
Friday 13 Sep 2013
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After years of speculation, Twitter has filed in private for an initial public offering, the first step towards going public
Shadow culture secretary cautions against 'quick-fix' solutions to scandal surrounding severance pay for senior BBC staff
RTS Convention: Sir Christopher Bland criticises 'highly politicised' spending watchdog as debate over governance grows. By John Plunkett
Channel 5 owner says WPP chief's UK media buying operation Group M is so dominant it can bully media owners. By Mark Sweney
Airline sued newspaper for libel after it claimed some pilots were concerned that a fuel policy may have put passengers at risk. By Josh Halliday
Broadcaster hires London firm Carter-Ruck after forced closure of its Cairo office, satellite jamming, and deportation of staff. By Lisa O'Carroll
Publisher of Daily and Sunday Mirror says Met is investigating if it is 'criminally liable' for alleged hacking by previous employees
The comedian and writer talks to John Plunkett about his approach to making comedy for television – and how to keep creative control of your projects
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Our roundup of the day's media stories, including Twitter's first steps towards the stock market and Harriet Harman warning against BBC scrutinyIf you are viewing this on the web and would like to get our email every morning, please click here
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Cameron Hulett: Although single screen ads remain effective, it's time to embrace campaigns designed to work across multiple screens
The British public has far less confidence in its institutions than it did thirty years ago – especially the media. Which public bodies have lost our trust?
Emily Bell: Red-faced executives sat shoulder to shoulder, barely controlling their animosity toward one another, during a systematic grilling by MPs
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Roy Greenslade recalls the initial refusal by Daily and Sunday Mirror publisher to investigate voicemail allegations in 2011
Media Monkey's pick of the day More »
She is the prim, respectable grandmother figure of BBC2's The Great British Bake Off, but 78-year-old Mary Berry has another side, according to the Sun. Dubbed by co-stars as 'Bez' after the Manchester band party animal, Berry is known to give them happy Mondays not only with a beautifully made fruit cake, but some entertaining anecdotes. Berry reportedly likes to boast of her clubbing antics in Ibiza, with a particular penchant for wild club mecca Pacha where she raved aged 71 and preferred to start at around 1am, according to co-presenter Mel Giedroyc. The Sun also says Berry likes to neck tequila slammers with co-star Sue Perkins. So if she's "twisting her melon, man" we may be talking cocktails. And if she's making some shapes, it wouldn't necessarily be with pastry.
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