Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Nonprofit Defends $10 World Trade Center Name Deal; more...

Business & Money
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Nonprofit Defends $10 World Trade Center Name Deal
(TRENTON, N.J.) — The nonprofit group that acquired the World Trade Center naming rights for $10 more than two decades ago is defending the deal....
‘One or Two More’ Greece Bailouts Likely
The Greek economy is recovering slowly but may need another boost, says European Central Bank
Want to Know About Twitter’s IPO? Look at Its Acquisitions
The social network's buys in engineering, advertising and television-related firms preview its forthcoming roadshow for investors
Chinese Ultra-Rich Increase, Some Escape to Hong Kong
Real estate raises billions, but a credit crunch and clampdown on luxury spending drives millionaires away from the mainland
Stocks Rise As Syria Conflict Looks Less Likely
Stocks rose and oil prices fell Tuesday as the risk that the U.S. would attack Syria appeared to fade. The Standard & Poor’s 500 index had...
Utility: Claims From California Gas Line Blast $565M
(SAN FRANCISCO) — Pacific Gas & Electric Co. expects to pay a total of $565 million in legal settlements and other claims from a deadly 2010...
Study: The 1% Took an Even Bigger Slice of the Pie in 2012
Step aside, Roaring Twenties, you've been bested, inequality-wise. The richest 1% of Americans collected a greater share of household income last...
DEA Insists Cold Drug Is not Meth-Resistant
(ST. LOUIS) — A cold and allergy decongestant available nationwide and containing what the manufacturer says is pseudoephedrine that cannot be used...
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