Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Poverty matters: A decade of peace in Liberia, Nigeria's polio drive, and civil society decoded

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Ten years of peace in Liberia, Nigeria's polio drive, and civil society decoded

Why Liberia must strive for positive peace, plus Ade Adepitan on how mistrust of 'white medicine' is hampering the polio fight

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MDG : Liberia 10 years peace agreement anniversary : Children of Doe community, Monrovia
Monrovia, Liberia. Positive peace calls for a movement away from marginalisation and economic deprivation. Photograph: Andy Hall/Oxfam

The controversial private-sector arm of the British government aid programme, the CDC, routed nearly half of its investments in developing countries last year through offshore tax havens, Claire Provost reveals, despite the prime minister's pledges to clamp down on financial secrecy and help poor countries boost their tax revenues.

As Liberia marks the 10th anniversary of the Accra peace accord, Robtel Neajai Pailey argues that its time for the country to pursue positive peace by tackling poverty, inequality and corruption.

Paralympian Ade Adepitan visits Nigeria to see how its polio drive has been hit by conspiracy theories and mistrust of 'white medicine'. Ban Ki-moon is concerned by the decline in development aid and Afua Hirsch reports on the state of rail infrastructure in West Africa.

Elsewhere on the site

New series: development jargon decoded. Do you know your sustainable development from your local ownership? And do they serve canapés with civil society? .

What do sexual and reproductive rights have to do with development? asks St Rachel Ustanny, the chief executive of the Jamaica family planning association. Oliver Balch explores whether product certification in the handmade rug industry can reduce child labour. And Mark Tran looks at whether apathy over aid effectiveness will threaten a global partnership and a hard-won breakthrough in Busan, South Korea.

Pushpinder Khaneka continues his world library series, also known as "best books to start exploring the world". This time he reads up on Kenya. What's on your bookshelf?

Community: share your stories of sending money home

Global remittances are a huge source of income for poor countries. Do you send money home? We would like to hear your experiences.

Coming up

We take a look at Australian aid before the country's elections next month.

Our August Global development podcast asks why, despite knowing how to prevent road deaths, roads are one of the world's greatest killers.

What you said: some of the best reader comments

On Development jargon decoded: sustainable development Henforthe argued:

Unfortunately, 'sustainable' has become a vague buzzword. Economists and politicians have taken it full-circle and now use the word ('sustainable growth') in a way that directly contradicts the original meaning. They even use it interchangeably with 'sustained growth'.

HamishPK responded to Uganda motorbike deaths: concerns grow over silent killers:

The roads and the standards of driving [in East Africa] were simply horrifying, but without addressing the (admittedly a bit cliched) problem of bureaucracy and corruption, then helmets and pot-hole filling will surely achieve very very little.

idahorner compared this with the situation in neighbouring Rwanda:

I was in Kigali a year ago and all boda boda riders had helmets and also carried one for their "passenger". I am not sure why this system didn't catch on in Uganda.

On Democratic Republic of the Congo's women hold key to lasting peace Nowoolovereyes commented:

As we know, sexual violence is at one of the highest levels in the world in the eastern areas of DRC. In addition to the psychological trauma, raped women are getting pregnant yet abortion is illegal in DRC in most circumstances. This results in horrendous cases of unsafe abortion. Will you, Mary Robinson, make it part of your remit to advocate for safe abortion services in support of all those abused women?

Highlights from the blogosphere

As negotiations continue on the trans-pacific free trade agreement, Martin Khor on TripleCrisis looks at what happens when foreign investors sue the state.

On From Poverty to Power, Duncan Green highlights a potential teaching resource on current debates on the future of agriculture, and makes the case for blogging about development.

And Samantha Custer shows off a project to geo-code thousands of donor-funded aid projects in Nepal on AidData.org's The first tranche.

And finally …

Poverty matters will return in two weeks with another roundup of the latest news and comment. In the meantime, keep up to date on the Global development website. Follow @gdndevelopment and the team – @MaeveShearlaw, @ClaireProvost, @LizFordGuardian and @MarkTran – on Twitter, or join Guardian Global development on Facebook.

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